Are you non-UK resident looking for a school in the UK?
Choosing a good school in the UK can be very daunting. You have none of the advantages of resident British parents; you probably didn’t attend a UK school yourself, don’t know the application process, and have little information about the reputation of the schools. Whether you are looking for the best English school, or one in Scotland or Wales, the search for a good school will take expertise, time and effort. You need someone who can act as your advocate when searching for the right school for your child.
About Us

Helen Pollard BA Hons
UK School Finder Consultant
Helen has 14 years’ experience as the member of the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for admissions at one of England's most sought-after boarding schools. Of the 1,150 pupils at the school, many were international students. Pupils were admitted in the age range of 7 to 18 so Helen has experience of junior, senior and sixth form admissions.
Before her time in education, Helen had a successful career in business, becoming a senior manager at a leading insurance company. She was a member of the judiciary for 17 years, sitting as a Lay Member on Employment Tribunals and has advocacy experience within her local community. Helen has been a governor for a number of schools.
Helen is familiar with independent schools having worked in the industry and attended an independent school herself. Her daughter also attended an independent school.
In 2022 Helen became a School Appeals Consultant. Following the success of this consultancy, she has established the School Finder Concierge Service to assist parents who live overseas.
Tim Pollard BSc Hons
UK School Finder Consultant
Tim worked in boarding at a leading boarding school from 2017 to 2020.
Previously he worked for Unilever and had his own marketing business with offices in the UK and overseas. Tim was an elected representative in Croydon for 16 years, was Cabinet Member for Education for 6 years, and Deputy Leader for Croydon Council from 2008 to 2014. In 2023 Tim was made an Honorary Alderman of the London Borough of Croydon.
Having attended a UK boarding school, and with a daughter who attended an independent school, Tim is ideally placed to advise parents about the UK boarding school market.

“We work for the parents - not the schools.”
Helen Pollard,
UK School Finder Consultant
Completely Independent Advice
School Finder Consultant advice is completely independent and, unlike many organisations that offer advice, we receive no commission when a child is admitted to a school.
How we work with you
Stage 1:
Initial Meeting
There will be a video meeting to discuss the attributes you are looking for in a school, and assess which factors should take priority when selecting a shortlist. The aim is to find out more about your or child’s interests, achievements, and aspirations. What type of school would best meet your child’s needs? The consultant will also cover the school admissions process, and there will be an opportunity for you to raise any questions you might have.
Where possible, the aim would be to meet the child during the video call.
By the end of the meeting the next steps will be agreed. These will be confirmed in a report which will be sent shortly afterwards.
Cost: £190
Stage 2:
Shortlist of schools
Based on the findings in the Initial Meeting, the consultant will produce a shortlist of up to 5 schools which are a good match for your child. Extensive research will be carried out to find high performing schools that have the required attributes. Where relevant, the consultant will look for schools that offer scholarships. The consultant will contact the selected schools and request that they send further details directly to you. Once this work has been carried out a report will be produced and the findings will be presented in a video call.
Cost: £490
Stage 3:
School Visits
Having reviewed the shortlist, further research will be required to find out more about your preferred school(s). The consultant will visit the school(s) on your behalf and take video/photographs to share with you following the visit. A report of each school visit will be produced, and this will include an assessment of how close a fit the school is to the agreed criteria. Alternatively, the consultant can arrange for you to visit the school, and can accompany you if required.
Cost: Depends on the time and travel involved
Stage 4:
Ongoing support
Once you have selected the right school there is still a lot to do. The application process is different for each school so there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The consultant will help you present your application in the most positive light to improve the chance of a place being offered to your child. Assistance can be provided right through the application process and beyond. Once a place has been offered, the consultant can help you to prepare for the admission of your child.
Cost: Depends on the time involved
At every Stage the Consultant will act as your advocate, acting on your behalf to ensure the best possible outcome for your child.

Helen Pollard making a presentation to the Duchess of Gloucester
Tim Pollard with Boris Johnson, former UK Prime Minister